30 November 2014

Falling Limbs

Proof that Landcare can be a hazardous task; this 4 tonne monster branch collapsed from its own weight over a still night onto 10 year old plants. There were no tell tale signs of internal or external damage to the limb. Interesting to see on the main trunk that there had been a number of other such events over the years. The fallen branches will provide nutrient, food and shelter to many species and is part of natures cycle. Always noteworthy that one should never park, camp or congregate under such trees.

09 November 2014

A welcome visitor

This male trapdoor spider is non agressive, low risk and non toxic to humans. It very rarely bites and if it does the bite can be painful. The spider is a ground dweller nesting in drier exposed areas, but not necessarily with its famous trapdoor lid on its burrow. Trapdoors have a life span of up to 20 years and they play an important role in controlling other insects in our environment.

06 November 2014

Maleleuca Thymiflora

The thyme leaf honey myrtle is a small shrub with usually purple or mauve coloured claw shaped flowers. This maleleuca shows its display of flowers from October through to autumn, thriving in all soil types including those at our Earthcare Park site. Why not pay a visit sometime!