29 December 2014

Good rains revitalise our Park

Very good December rains have transformed Earthcare Park into a green oasis and ensured that our seedlings have had their best chance for survival into the hotter part of the year. Seed foraging birds are abundant and the growth of established trees is quite incredible.

22 December 2014

Yellow tea tree

 Leptospermum Polygalifolium or Yellow Tea Tree is an evergreen shrub growing to 4m however research gives a 7m example.Flowering between August and February the bloom is creamy white or pinkish in colour with green or yellow centre. The shrub is hardy being able to withstand dry or even constantly wet sandy or rocky soils. A spectical in our bush now that most of the spring flowers have disappeared.

30 November 2014

Falling Limbs

Proof that Landcare can be a hazardous task; this 4 tonne monster branch collapsed from its own weight over a still night onto 10 year old plants. There were no tell tale signs of internal or external damage to the limb. Interesting to see on the main trunk that there had been a number of other such events over the years. The fallen branches will provide nutrient, food and shelter to many species and is part of natures cycle. Always noteworthy that one should never park, camp or congregate under such trees.

09 November 2014

A welcome visitor

This male trapdoor spider is non agressive, low risk and non toxic to humans. It very rarely bites and if it does the bite can be painful. The spider is a ground dweller nesting in drier exposed areas, but not necessarily with its famous trapdoor lid on its burrow. Trapdoors have a life span of up to 20 years and they play an important role in controlling other insects in our environment.

06 November 2014

Maleleuca Thymiflora

The thyme leaf honey myrtle is a small shrub with usually purple or mauve coloured claw shaped flowers. This maleleuca shows its display of flowers from October through to autumn, thriving in all soil types including those at our Earthcare Park site. Why not pay a visit sometime!

10 August 2014

More of our feathered friends

Some more new visitors to the Park

Birds in the Park

The spectacular sight of Lorikeets, Gallahs, Cockatoos, Butcherbirds, Kookaburras, Wrens, King Parrots, Currawongs either raising their chicks or for the late starters, mating and nesting shows the true worth of a place like Earthcare Park.

13 July 2014

Winter grasses Wander

There was considerable interest in the 'Winter grasses wander" held on Saturday 12 July 2014. Participants were treated to a fine, sunny winters day and wandered through the Earthcare Park guided by local expert Trisha Barker in identifying grasses and plants.
After the event a sausage sizzle was provided to participants and the day finished off with a presentation of features of the Earthcare Park and Bushfood garden areas. 

11 July 2014

Before and after photos of our Bushfood garden makeover

Telstra Volunteers help Bushfood Garden makeover

Telstra Volunteers at our Earthcare Landcare site helping makeover our Bushfood Garden

01 July 2014

Childrens Discovery Day

Earthcare Park Landcare Group were kindly invited to the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens Childrens Discovery Day 2014. The cold winds abated and a fine sunny winters day made conditions perfect to represent to the public the work that we have done at Earthcare Park as well as have children participate in our quiz.

15 June 2014

Avarian Awareness Adventure

Earthcare Park Landcare group hosted an Avarian Awareness Adventure led by local bird expert Tom Clarke on 14 June 2014.  The event included Landcare members, birdwatchers, representatives from Trees in Newcastle, members from the wider community and Robyn Parker MP for Maitland.

Details of bird sightings within the Earthcare Parks old growth and new growth forest were provided as well as an informative walk and talk session pointing out various birds, their characteristics and habitat.

07 June 2014

Avarian Adventure planned for 9am Saturday 14th June

The Community is welcome to share in a tour of the birdlife offered at the Earthcare Park on 14 June. Led by local bird expert Tom Clarke, the tour will showcase the findings of a two year study conducted on the site.

The tour commences at 9am and a bbq and beverages will be available for purchase afterwards.

24 May 2014

Successful display at Tocal Field Days

At this years Tocal Field days, the Earthcare Park display had over 200 enquiries from both individuals and organisations, many interested in the activities that we undertake. Considerable positive feedback centred on the great work that Landcare generally does as well as leads as to how we could become more effective which we will soon pursue.

21 April 2014

Earthcare park Landcare at TOCAL Field Days

Earthcare stand at Tocal in 2013
Earthcare Park Landcare group will be at Tocal Field Days 2014 in the "Catchment Matters" marquee. Come and see what we do. We look forward to seeing you there from 2 May to 4 May

02 February 2014

Dragons in the Park

The Eastern Bearded Dragon seen here was sunning itself when it was disturbed. When threatened it inflates its throat and belly and displays a beard. If further provoked it opens its mouth. Feeding on small animals and insects it will also eat fruits, berries, grass and flowers. Eastern bearded dragons are found generally in dry forests throughout mainly eastern Australia including here as you can see at the Earthcare Park.
Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona Barbata)

Watering in the Park

With the heat of summer upon us keeping water up to young plants is critical. Earthcare members have been busy over the New Year weeding, building a roof over our water tank and watering plants that were planted in early spring.