29 September 2013

Plant Identification Workshop 13 October 2013

Earthcare Park will run a plant identification workshop on Sunday 13 October 2013 commencing at 10am. This workshop is FREE and is open for all members and the general public.

The aim of the workshop is to help individuals in identifying the enormous variety of plants and grasses which inhabit the Earthcare Park and will be presented by John Moen from Trees in Newcastle.

As this workshop is in the field, please ensure you cover-up.... slip, slop, slap and wrap.
Don't forget to also bring some water with you.

21 September 2013

Faraway Tree Party 2013

Be spellbound with a magic afternoon of fun

5.00 pm – 8.00 pm  Saturday 2 November 2013  - at Earthcare Park on Metford Road (next to the BMX track).

Bring your children along to the party again! Dressed up in their Faraway Tree gear - goblins, pixies, Silky Fairy, Dame Washalot, Moonface, Saucepan Man....  etc.  

Entry  Fee:  $5 adults, $3 children

Join us for a picnic BBQ with cupcakes, fairy bread & children’s fruit salad. 

  • be entertained by talented magician Joel
  • enjoy the theatre show
  • laugh with the puppets
  • see displays of wild animals living in the Earthcare Park
  • join us in fun games.

Please bring a torch, a picnic blanket,  sunscreen and mosquito repellent.

Presented by: Kiwanis’s Community Service Club
and of course Earthcare Park Landcare Group

Call Eric on 0408 680 726 for information.

29 July 2013

Morpeth Public School celebrate National Tree Day

Fifty three Morpeth Public school students celebrated National Tree day by planting nearly 300 trees. This brings to a total of 1000 trees planted at Earthcare Park in the past few days by community groups and the public.... a wonderful celebration bringing community and environment together.

28 July 2013

Earthcare Park host National Tree Day

After a cool and foggy morning the sun eventually shined on another 250 indigenous grasses and shrubs planted by the community to celebrate National Tree Day at the Earthcare Park. The successful event was celebrated with a warming bbq.

Earthcare park hosts Tenambit Public School

Earthcare Park hosted over 60 Tenambit Public School students as part of National Tree Day and Education week activities. Over 300 trees were planted and students were educated on the bio-diversity of the park.

14 May 2013

National Tree Day - at Earthcare Park - 28 July 2013


At the Earthcare Park Landcare site (Metford Rd Tenambit opposite the golf course).  This year we are a National Tree Day site.

National Tree Day is an Australian environmental initiative aimed at promoting community native tree and shrub planting activities. 

Sunday July 28th 2013 starting at 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.

Wear covered shoes and bring a hat, gloves, water and sunscreen.