25 February 2010

Blue Moon at Earthcare Park



MONDAY 1ST MARCH 2010 at gather 6.30 for 7.00 PM start.


A blue moon can refer to the third full moon in a season with four full moons, or the second full moon of a calendar month. Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles, each solar calendar year contains an excess of roughly eleven days compared to the lunar year of 12 lunations. The extra days accumulate, so every two or three years (7 times in the 19-year Metonic cycle), there is an extra full moon.

The term "blue moon" comes from folk lore. Different traditions and conventions place the extra "blue" full moon at different times in the year. OUR Blue Moon occurs, strangely, this time on the 1st of March 2010 (next 2029) and can be seen rising majestically over the eastern hills of the Earthcare Park on Metford Rd Tenambit at around 7pm.

Phil Fiveash astrophotographer from the Astronomical Society of the Hunter and members of that society will be present. Bring along your telescopes and binoculars for a magic vision of this unusual event. All care should be taken and weather permitting we will gather at 6:30 PM.

For details call: 4937 4664 or 4970 5780.

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