the 3rd Faraway Tree Party
Saturday 13th November 2010 5pm – 8.30pm
Presented by Earthcare Park & the Kiwanis
$5 adults, $2 children, $10 family
Join us for a picnic afternoon tea, face painting and discover the magickal properties of local plants. As day turns into sparkling twilight, there will be puppets, a live theatre show and play games to play.
Please bring a torch, a picnic blanket and come dressed in the traditional attire of your favourite faraway folk & forest people.
* Fairy food & a BBQ will be available
Note: if it is raining we will have to cancel as the Faraway Folk don't come out in the rain!
* Fairy food & a BBQ will be available
Note: if it is raining we will have to cancel as the Faraway Folk don't come out in the rain!